I woke up on a farmhouse

Today I woke up on a farmhouse

The distinct sound of cock a doodle doo

No screeching breaks, neither blaring horns

No hullabaloo

The lone white rose dripping dew

The brown shiny cow calling moo

Today I woke up on a farmhouse

oh! It is all so new!

The sun like a golden ball tangled

In the lattice work

Of a mango tree

The rays escaping

Embroidering the pattern fiddly

Today I woke up on a farmhouse

Oh! It is all so dearly!

The coconuts shone like

Green precious stones

Bathing in the morning radiance

So far away

Papaya yellow and ripe just waiting to

Give way

Distant sounds of children tittle tattle

A persistent ‘mantra’ propitiates

A metal bucket tintinnabulates

The fresh morning breeze stimulates

Today I woke up on a farmhouse

Oh! How sound and light celebrates!


सुनो धरती मैया


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