When I meet nature, I will ask
Who do you love more?
The moon that smiles abashedly at earth
Or the one that hides behind clouds
Shy to come out and confess her love?
When I meet nature, I will ask
When I meet nature, I will ask
Who will you praise more?
The giant tree touching the sky,
Standing one's ground
For hundreds of years
Or the gentle green grass
that comes back to life again quickly
After being trampled over?
When I meet nature, I will ask
Who will you honour more?
Those timely rain showers that
Quench the thirst of mother earth
Or that tiny morning dew drop
Playing unabashedly with rose petal?
When I meet nature, I will ask
When I meet nature, I will ask
Who will you value more?
The wind that carries rain clouds a plenty
Or the gentle breeze
Lightly soothing the tired form of a toiler?
When I meet nature, I will ask
When I meet nature, I will ask
Who will you fancy more?
River that carves valleys and gorges boldly
Or the modest rivulet
Where itsy-bitsy fishes thrive?
When I meet nature, I will ask
When I meet nature, I will ask
Who will you treasure more?
The lofty mountain where rivers are born
Or the little hilltop
Where trees dance cradling juicy fruits?
When I meet nature, I will ask.
When I meet nature, I will ask
Which brings you more calm
The morning sky full of possibilities
Or the evening sky
Promising a breather well earned?
When I meet nature, I will ask
When I meet nature, I will ask
Who are you in awe of?
The placid, serene sea
Where seagulls play with happy sailors
Or the raging stormy one
Threatening the very existence of the Earth?
When I meet nature, I will ask.